Her Cape Guide to SDCC: #94 – The SDCC Banners are up!

Her Cape 100 Things to Know About SDCC continues with #94: The SDCC 2017 Banners are up! With the banners in place, SDCC is almost here!

San Diego Comic Con is officially on its way with the arrival of the SDCC Banners in Downtown San Diego and along Harbor Drive. The raising of the banners signals the beginning of San Diego’s transformation from mild-mannered America’s Finest City to the home base of the biggest pop culture event around: SDCC.

This year’s banners feature Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther in a Marvel one-two punch.

SDCC 2017 banner featuring Thor Ragnarok, Photo: Sarabeth Pollock SDCC 2017 Banner featuring Black Panther. Photo: Sarabeth Pollock

In previous years, the banners have featured Doctor Strange, Big Hero Six, and Ant-Man. Disney and Marvel have dominated the SDCC banners for several years now. Other major franchises take over other marketing opportunities around the Convention Center. HBO, for example, tends to take over the MTS Trolley transit areas, with banners of their own featuring prominent HBO shows like Game of Thrones or, in past years, True Blood and The Leftovers.

Signage has become an increasingly popular way for studios to advertise their new or popular shows. Conan O’Brien plasters his mug all over the San Diego Marriott Marina, while FX takes over the Hilton Bayfront Hotel. This signage is key because it allows studios to connect with everyone, including people who don’t have SDCC badges.

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San Diego Comic Con takes place July 20-23. Keep checking back for more SDCC Tips from Her Cape!