Her Cape Guide to SDCC #80: Why Netflix and Amazon Prime work

Her Cape 100 Things to Know About SDCC continues with #80: Why Netflix and Amazon Prime work at SDCC.

By now you’ve probably heard that Netflix and Amazon Prime had a fairly large presence at San Diego Comic Con. It’s the first year that streaming giant Netflix has had an offsite event and a booth in the Exhibit Hall to advertise their new and ongoing original programming like Bright and Stranger Things. Amazon Prime had a lot invested in the offsite location for their newest offering, The Tick, which debuts August 25.

Not so long ago, SDCC was a lot smaller. It grew exponentially when the movie and television studios moved in, seeking feedback from well-heeled fans who could offer them advice about new shows and films. SDCC attendees are nothing if not smart consumers of entertainment and merchandise.

It’s this high level of entertainment consumerism that explains why it makes perfect sense for Netflix and Amazon Prime to have a major presence at SDCC: most attendees are tech savvy and understand how streaming works. They own the latest technology and they appreciate the ability to access their favorite shows (and, in the case of Amazon Prime, books) wherever and whenever they wish. SDCC is the ideal testing ground for new ideas because this demographic, which in reality is a massive group of people across all races, gender, age, and socioeconomic backgrounds, contains all of the groups streaming services want to reach.

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At this point streaming is not a new technology, but the cord cutters of the world are always looking for the newest platform. Netflix still reigns supreme when it comes to streaming services, but Amazon Prime’s original programming is catching up, and Prime membership is loaded with all kinds of value added benefits, which could pose a threat to Netflix down the line.

Do you think streaming services make sense at SDCC? Let us know in the comments!