Can Wonder Woman save the Justice League movie?


Justice League is still over three months away but after an early viewing the rumors are swirling that the film is “unwatchable.” Can Wonder Woman save the day again?

It’s not even mid-August and there are rumors going around that Justice League in its current format is “unwatchable.” The feedback from an early cut of the Zack Snyder/Joss Whedon film is largely negative, and the latest rumors are that even the film’s ending is being altered through the reshoots. With so much up in the air, will Wonder Woman be able to once again fly in and save the day in Justice League the way she did in Batman v Superman?

According to reports from We Got This Covered, Warner Bros has been concerned that Justice League was following in the footsteps of its dark predecessors, namely Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, both of which were criticized for their overly dark and not at all lighthearted stories. In addition to the dark tone, the studio was also unhappy with the Cyborg character, played by Ray Fisher. Rumor has it that the character is too dark and there is work being done to alter his personality to fit the desired tone of the movie.

Now that Wonder Woman has proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that superhero movies can be action packed, full of drama and still fun, the onus is on Joss Whedon to recreate that special recipe that sent Wonder Woman shooting to the top of the box office. There is a lot of pressure to get this right now that so many new fans will be lining up to see Justice League after being thrilled by Wonder Woman, so Justice League really needs to be a home run for Warner Bros. Now, news of reshoots changing the ending and tweaking Cyborg’s onscreen presence are already leading to negative rumors.

The reality is that people will still line up to see Justice League no matter what the critics say about the movie, but the future of the DC Extended Universe hinges on Justice League being met with the same kind of enthusiasm that Wonder Woman received. After all, the next few standalone movies will be based around Justice League characters, and if they aren’t well-received in Justice League, the standalone movies could very well be dead on arrival.

In light of the negative news surrounding Justice League, will Gal Gadot’s sensational portrayal of Diana Prince be able to lure people to see the film? It’s entirely possible, given how many people fell in love with the beloved Amazon princess over the summer. But can she save the movie?

Wonder Woman has already been featured heavily in the latest round of ads and promotions for the movie, which suggests that Warner Bros wants to keep the focus on her as much as possible. Keeping the focus on Wonder Woman just might be the best course of action while work on Justice League is finished.

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With all of the anticipation ahead of Justice League’s November 17 opening, it’s not worth paying attention to the rumors about the reshoots and the behind the scenes drama. If nothing else, we get another chance to see Wonder Woman in action, which will make it all worthwhile.