When will The Flash season 4 begin on The CW?


The Flash will return with season 4 on The CW. What day will it come back to the airwaves?

The Flash is the second-longest running show of The CW’s Arrowverse, which also consists of Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, and Supergirl. Every show will at least hit its third season.

Grant Gustin stars as The Flash, the speedster that saves Central City from metahumans and other supernaturally-powered villains. He’s done this since the show’s debut in 2014, along with taking down foes like Reverse-Flash, Zoom, and Savitar.

Gustin is about to take the Barry Allen role for the fourth consecutive season. He’ll join Candice Patton (Iris West), Tom Cavanagh (Harrison Wells), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramon) and others for another adventure in the DC TV Universe.

Season 3 of The Flash ended with Barry leaving for the Speed Force. Sine Jay Garrick was brought out of it, another speedster had to fill his spot. Barry volunteered himself, moments after he defeated Savitar, and disappeared to close the season.

If this recent season 4 promo is any indication, the plan is to get Barry back, as soon as possible. How soon will that be, though?

Season 4’s big bad is already confirmed, as Team Flash will face The Thinker. He’s the first main villain that isn’t a speedster, which will add a new dynamic to the show that’s only faced non-speedsters in the “Villain of the Week” role.

This will all come together when season 4 kicks off on Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 8:00 p.m. ET on The CW. It’s less than three weeks away, so the anticipation will build toward its return, and after the last episode was seen at the end of May 2017.

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The Flash will be back soon, along with the other superhero shows on The CW. Are you excited to see Barry and the team return?