Marvel’s Spider-Man review: Stark Expo

Reviewing the latest episode of Marvel’s Spider-Man.

The next episode of Marvel’s Spider-Man, titled “Stark Expo” brings in Iron Man as he and Spider-Man battle a new villain with a special agenda. During a critical moment, Spider-Man has to make a desperate, risky, decision. Will it pay off?

So, this time we have Spider-Man on his way to the Stark Expo. While he’s on the rooftop, he sees a mysterious figure on the roof too. This figure runs away. Next thing ya know, Iron Man shows up wondering why Spidey is trespassing. Spidey tries to explain that he was trying to stop someone else, but Iron Man isn’t hearing any of that. So he attacks Spidey. Spidey manages to outduel Iron Man and Spidey changed into Peter.

Max continues to try and fail to stabilize the black suit. Even though Peter continues to warn about the suit, Tony Stark sides with Max and so that’s the end of that.

So, the Stark Expo begins with Iron Man introducing a new suit. As he’s talking about it, the figure, now named “Ghost”, from earlier shows up and takes over the expo. He sends everything into a frenzy as everything tech is controlled by Ghost. Eventually, Iron Man decides no more tech, and jumps out of the suit. Apparently, that’s what Ghost wanted. Ghost then takes over Tony’s heart reactor and so a desperate Spider-Man realizes that tech won’t win this one.

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So, he resorts to using the black suit once again.

Spider-Man takes care of Ghost and then it’s time to remove the suit. So, Flash Thompson and Iron Man pull the suit off of Spidey. But, while they are pulling, apparently, the suit decides it wants Flash. So, the suit comes off and immediately jumps for Flash. Iron Man knocks Flash out of the way and they contain the suit.

I’ve noticed in the past few versions of animated Spider-Man shows, Flash Thompson ends up being Venom while earlier versions it was Eddie Brock. This episode tells us that, once again, Thompson will likely be Vemon, if Venom shows up in this series.

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Max tells Otto Octavius that those mechanical arms are not ready for prime time, as those arms caused a big problem when Ghost has control of them. Otto had said that once the arms are connected to his brain, instead of battery for power, hacking won’t be an issue. Nope. Max wants Otto to slow things down or lose funding.

Norman continues his unofficial recruitment for the Sinister Six as he tells Otto Octavius that the Osborn Academy is open to funding his work with those mechanical arms. My issue is, did Norman know about the conversation between Max and Otto, or is he just randomly making this offer? But, again, things are turning up for an eventual Sinister Six. We have Vulture, Dr. Octopus, and Green Goblin. We had seen the Rhino, but we don’t know if he’ll be back. There were plenty of shifts of membership in the Sinister Six so we really don’t know at this point. Usually, we see Doc Ock leading that team so a shift in power could be on the way for Doc Ock and Osborn. All speculation.

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All in all, it was a decent episode. I was a little annoyed that Iron Man seemed like he wanted  Spider-Man to be teammates with Ghost. Like, he was using terrible examples to think Spider-Man wasn’t an ally. At one point, right in front of Iron Man, Spidey gets zapped by Ghost and crashes into Iron Man. Iron Man proceeds to connect the dots that Spidey is clearly the bad guy. I don’t know.