Marvel’s Spider-Man review: Ultimate Spider-Man

Spider-Man meets a new hero and ends up having to teach this hero what responsibility is all about. Meanwhile, slayers descend on the city, looking for this new hero.

Spider-Man gets his hands full when he stops a slayer and then is informed by Norman Osborn that the slayer is set to explode in two minutes. However, Spidey finds out the hard way that two minutes was a lie and he gets caught in the explosion. As he falls from the roof, he’s saved by Miles.

Miles actually had an adventure while Spider-Man was dealing with the slayer. Miles bumps into Spencer Smythe and Smythe drops a few items. As Miles tries to help pick things up, he’s bitten by a spider. Immediately, he sees Spider-Man falling. Miles then proceeds to do some crazy jumping and flipping and all of this to save Spider-Man. Miles can’t even believe what happened.

Okay, so Peter is trying to figure out why Smythe attacked Osborn Academy. He gets a call from Miles and Miles is begging Peter to come see him. Peter enters Miles’ room and is surprised to see a figure dressed in costume flip out in front of him. Then, it’s revealed that Miles is that figure. He introduces himself as Spider-Man.

Miles takes a different turn than Peter. Miles goes around telling the rest of the Horizon High team that he’s Spider-Man. You can tell he’s going to end up way over his head and Peter will have to save him. I do wonder if Peter will ever tell Miles who he is.

The spider that bit Miles was part of a collection that Smythe had. He realizes the spider is missing. Norman Osborn is aware of the dangers of a complete collection of spiders and is also ready to hunt down that last spider.

So, Miles continues to not understand that having a secret identity is important. Miles discloses his location, his home, to the public and two slayers go after him, knowing that the missing spider must’ve bitten Miles. Peter is there and so they team up to take down the slayers.

In an interesting twist, the two slayers are controlled by Spencer and Alistair Smythe and they begin fighting each other to get to Miles. There’s a point where Miles’ father ends up in the carnage of the slayers. Miles saves his dad from being crushed. Then, one of the slayers grabs Miles and has him locked. The other Slayer decides to…um…his suit can suck things up like a vacuum so he tries to suck up Peter. Peter webs himself to the other slayer but then Miles’ dad ends up being suck towards the slayer, so Miles has a breaking point and he sends off this wave that short-circuits the slayers. He and Peter are surprised that Miles has this ability and his dad is saved.

Peter and Miles compare notes of abilities and Peter gives Miles a set of web shooters. It seems there is a lovely partnership brewing. We’re still missing one more Spider-Man…or Girl. We’ll have to see when that happens.

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I loved this episode. Ultimate Spider-Man is my favorite storyline of Spider-Man so I’m always happy to see Peter or, now, Miles from that universe show up. But, it looks like Miles has some growing up to do with these powers. I want to say that another spider from that collection of spiders will bite the eventual 3rd member of the Spider-team thing but we’ll have to see how that goes.