Grab Bag: Comic books to get this week: (Oct. 11, 2017)


These are just a handful of the comic books worth picking up this week, Oct. 11, 2017.

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #12: written by Gerry Conway and art by Ryan Stegman. The ‘Renew Your Vows’ version of the Amazing Spider-Man has been a fun take on Parker story. Anyone who misses Mary Jane and Parker being together should definitely check out the series. Giving both Mary Jane and their daughter spider-powers has created a team dynamic unlike any other Spider-book out there.

The Spider family is now facing off against a young Normie Osborn. This latest issue is the culmination of the series so far and it promises to be the showdown readers have been waiting for since the beginning of this new series. Fresh off their run-in with this world’s version of the Venom symbiote, the Parker family is set to go up against the Osborn family for a story that promises to change everything moving forward.

Detective Comics #966: written by James Tynion IV and art Eddy Barrows & Eber Ferreira. Last issue in Detective Comics, Tim Drake finally escaped his bonds in Mr. Oz’s prison and began to explore the boundaries of this other-worldly jail. He met another mysterious prisoner and the issue ended with the monster Doomsday crashing through the wall and attacking them both. This mysterious other prisoner claims to be a future version of Drake himself and it seems like he might not be the only prisoner still left in this fortress.

This is the story line that determines how or if Tim Drake will find his way back to his friends and family. Other news outlets and previews have also said that this issue will be at least the start of a story that will explain the absence of Superboy (Conner Kent) in the current Rebirthed new 52. It makes sense that Conner may have ended up in this prison fortress given the recently revealed identity of Mr. Oz.

Runaways #2: written by Rainbow Rowell and art by Kris Anka. The Runaways have just returned and they aren’t really a team anymore, but it’s only a matter of time until they re-unite now. Last issue, we learned where Nico, Chase and possibly Gert is. That still leaves the whereabouts of several members of the team unknown. Can the Runaways work through all their past trauma and learn to work together again? Can Gert’s seeming resurrection overcome the time passed for her and Chase? Also, who is the shadowy scientist spying on all of them from a distance and what is their plan? We have a lot of unanswered questions right now when it comes to the Runaways, but I’m just happy to have them back.

Mister Miracle #3: written by Tom King and art by Mitch Gerards. I don’t think very many people expected this book to the hit it has become. Scott Free or Mister Miracle is on a very trippy journey and has a difficult battle ahead of him. There is a war breaking out on New Genesis and Mister Miracle is caught in the middle of it. Tom King is crafting an incredible mental examination of the character of Scott Free and his love, Big Barda. They are beginning to see that even if they win this battle it can still result in a great loss for their side. Can the universe’s greatest escape artist figure out a way out of an impossible decision?

Family Trade #1: written by Justin Jordan and art by Morgan Beem. Jordan has had quite a run in the Indie sector of comic books. Luther Strode, Spread, and Dead Body Road have all been hits and now he brings Family Trade with Image Comics. The previews promise steampunk, magic, and adventure on the open seas. This is an alternate history story where a city on an island has become the center for spies, thieves, and assassins all work together to keep the world going as it has. This family has been knitting the world together for many years until a young woman named Jessa Wynn manages to start a civil war.

Next: Robert Kirkman announces new series, Oblivion Song

These are just five of the comic books coming out this week that worth picking up, be sure not to miss new comic book day and support your local shops.