Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ranking the TV shows

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Ranking all seven television shows in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe, or MCU, started with the release of Iron Man in 2008. The movies have been the signature, but the franchise moved to TV in 2013 with the release of Agents of Shield.

This is a good time to rank the MCU TV shows, especially since on the near horizon, there is an explosion of shows coming out within the next two years. Now, I am only listing shows that have made it through one season. So, Inhumans is not on here. Also, the current season of Agents of Shield is excluded.

The MCU TV shows are loosely tied to the movies. They also really branch off from the first Avengers movie. So, you don’t need to watch the movies to understand the shows, but they do provide extra context and understanding.

Here are the shows so you can get an idea of what will show up.

  • Agents of Shield
  • Luke Cage
  • Daredevil
  • Jessica Jones
  • Agent Carter
  • Iron Fist
  • The Defenders

Note: No spoilers.

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7. Iron Fist

Let’s face it; this show wasn’t very good. Look, I can move past the idea that Iron Fist/Danny Rand was a different race or whatever.

The story was interesting but poorly executed. The main character seemed like an immature, ignorant child with no real emotion. The first episode really sells it and it just goes downhill from there. Most of the fighting happened in the dark. No, really, you couldn’t see anything. I’m a lighting designer. I know.

The biggest problem was that you didn’t care about the main character. Danny Rand was not likable. He didn’t make sense. You didn’t care about his quest to destroy The Hand. He seemed too naive for someone who went through so much training to help enlighten his mind.

If I hear Danny say “I must destroy the hand” one more time…