10 X-Men that could carry their own Television series

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2. Dazzler

Dazzler? Really, at number 2? Yes, Dazzler. It has been stated that she is going to making some sort of appearance in the X-Men: Dark Phoenix movie next year, but there is so much more she could do. She started out as a musician and performer that used her powers only to heighten her live shows. Eventually she joined the X-Men. Since then, she has traveled to other worlds, worked with Excalibur, The X-Men, Cyclops’ rebellion, Captain Marvel during Civil War II and even as a temporary agent of S.H.I.E.LD.

That is where I think she is ripe for an adaptation; as a famous performer, mutant and secret agent. I imagine it could work as a combination of Alias and something like The Gifted. Dazzler would be a world wide celebrity that secretly works for the government and saves the day every week. I put her so high on the list because I think she is an under-appreciated character in the X-Men world. Her powers are basically the same as Eclipse’s from the Gifted and she has come up with some creative ways to use them. I think an international mutant spy would be an exciting television show to watch.