10 X-Men that could carry their own Television series

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8. Bishop/Cable

I know that Cable will soon be showing up in the Deadpool sequel and that Bishop already had a small appearance in X-Men: Days of Future Past, but either one could easily carry their own story. I put these two together because they have a similar origin and motivations. Bishop and Cable both grew up in dystopian futures where things got very bad for mutants. They both traveled back in time to the present to try and prevent their future from coming true.

Either one of them would be an exciting character to follow on their adventures. I would lean towards Bishop over Cable, but who knows I mean Cable’s appearance in Deadpool 2 could spin-off into his own TV show. A series about a time traveler trying to right wrongs in the past might work best as a mini-series, but give him a supporting cast of humans or mutants in the present day and you’ve got a proven formula for weekly entertainment. Can you imagine it? One man with a record of past events and systematically altering history to make sure his never happens.