10 X-Men that could carry their own Television series

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5. Kitty Pryde

Kitty Pryde is one the characters that have sort of been pushed aside in the X-Men films. She was given a few things to do in X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Days of Future Past, but really not much else. The original Days of Future Past storyline was all about Kitty Pryde and the movie put Wolverine in her place. The X-Men movies overall focused a bit too much on Wolverine. Kitty is a fan favorite character that has been around for a long time and her power set is pretty simple. She can phase through solid items.

In the comics, Kitty has been through a lot. She was once possessed by a ninja demon and retained its knowledge of martial arts training making her a formidable threat even without her powers. I could see her television series being based on her time away from the X-Men. For a long time, Kitty avoided being an X-Men because of the trauma and loss that she faced when she was there. Her series could be about someone about with extraordinary powers and a complicated past trying to live a normal life. Obviously, she would be unable to avoid the call to adventure.