6 X-Men we want to see Disney reintroduce

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4. Mystique and Family

We’ve seen Mystique featured quite a bit in Fox’s franchise. We first saw her in 2000 being portrayed by Rebecca Romijn in the very first live-action movie, X-Men. Jennifer Lawrence would take on the role as a young Mystique in Bryan Singer’s trilogy and she’ll reprise her role in the upcoming X-Men: Dark Phoenix. However, despite Mystique being part of seven films Fox didn’t dig into Mystique’s past properly.

J-Law has done a great job as it pertains to what direction Singer wanted for Mystique — the battle for her loyalty and the brotherly love from Professor X which made her an X-Men. Unfortunately,  that’s not the shape-shifting mutant fans love to hate. Granted, the origin of Mystique is very convoluted, but there are some things fan have become familiar with.

What made Mystique great was her troubling past that included being a mother of two boys. One being Nightcrawler, whom she abandoned, and the other being Sabertooth’s son, Graydon Creed. The former she abandoned, and the latter she assassinated after he became the leader of the mutant hater group, Friends of Humanity. Mystique would also lead The Brotherhood f Evil Mutants and adopt Rogue. She’d play an instrumental role in Rogue stealing Captain Marvel’s powers.  So, as Disney gets a hold of this amazing character lets hope they’d explore the more sinister and troubled side of Mystique.