DCEU’s reveals its upcoming movie list, including Justice League Dark

At the Brazil Comic Con, the DCEU revealed its planned movies. What will be part of the future?

At the Sao Paulo, Brazil Comic Con 2017 several future DCEU titles were announced, according to Steven Weintraub of Collider (h/t CBR.com). These titles all include their own title card, not simply spoken announcements. These titles consist of Wonder WomanAquamanFlashpointSuicide Squad 2ShazamBatgirlGreen Lantern CorpsThe Batman and Justice League Dark.

Of course Aquaman is on the list. Wonder Woman is certainly a priority for WB, as it is the only film with both critical and financial success. The Flash has been a positive in the Justice League film, so it makes sense to capitalize on that. One cannot deny Suicide Squad was a financial success, especially since it did not have a release in China. Shazam has a director already tweeting on a basis his work in the film so far. The inclusion of Batgirl notes that Whedon remains, unlike the rumors state. Plus, Whedon is the one with the Batgirl pitch, not Warner Bros. It is strange the Green Lantern Corps is listed for we have no details on the film, along with Justice League Dark, which lost two directors already.

These are the properties most valuable to Warner Bros and potentially the furthest in pre-production. Note there is no Justice League 2Gotham City SirensNightwingCyborgDeathstroke, that so-called Joker stand-alone film, the Joker/Harley Quinn team-up or any Superman. It is possible these are not happening or just not far enough in pre-production. With that said, there is no confirmation on their status at the moment and can only assume they are still on the WB’s table somewhere.

However, was all of this already known?. This exact same list showed up at the Paris Comic Con back in the summer. The one minor difference is the two is absent from Wonder Woman now. Today, most sequels drop their numerals for a sub-title, much like Thor 3 or should I say Thor: Ragnarok.

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It may be disappointing for some to not see any sign of Superman, but this unchanged list shows solidarity and commitment from the DCEU.  Yes, Justice League has not done well for Warner Bros. and has disappointed many of fans. Luckily, WB is not being reactionary and re-arranging their entire slate of films. Hence, there is hope.