Star Wars: All 8 movies, ranked from worst to best

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5. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

This was the first spinoff film after Disney acquired the rights to Lucasfilms. A straight-up war movie, telling the story of how the Death Star plans were stolen and leads immediately into the opening scene of A New Hope.

Although the movie was interesting and can applaud it for trying new things, it doesn’t hold up. It’s difficult to care about the main characters, except for Imwe, who’s a badass. The references and call back seem out-of-place and straight up confusing in the timeline, and Forest Whitaker’s performance might be the all-time worst in the entire franchise, as he adds nothing to the movie.

Darth Vader’s moments were short but well executed. His conversation with Krennic played a bit on the Dark Helmet vibe which made me nervous, but every other scene with him was gold, especially when he slaughtered those rebel soldiers in the hallway.

In the theaters, I wasn’t distracted by the CGI Tarkin at first, but watching the film on a smaller screen really freaks me out. It doesn’t work at all and hoped they on kept him in the shadows or played with the angles to make it look more authentic. If this movie proved one thing it’s the technology isn’t there quite yet.