Star Wars: All 8 movies, ranked from worst to best

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 3. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

First, this movie is MORE than just a beat for beat remake of Star Wars: A New Hope. Yes, the story structure is similar, but so is almost every other story ever told because it’s the hero’s journey! Moving on, this movie was wildly entertaining and perfectly brought the magic of Star Wars back onto the big screen. Director J.J. Abrams delivered a wonderful installment into the franchise and somehow persuaded Harrison Ford to give one of his best performances in a long time (probably because they killed off his character).

This movie reignited the flame of Star Wars for a new generation, and introduced us to great new characters such as Rey, Finn, Captain Phasma and of course, Kylo Ren. This character might be most dynamic and complex from all of the movies. He’s an outsider of his family, that is more Anakin than Luke or Leia. Kylo’s constantly conflicted, pushing himself to become powerful in the dark side of the force, but he’s also a screw-up. Ren fails over and over, which drives him to keep going deeper into darkness.

Overall, the script to this film is pretty tight (besides the Rathtar scene), and keeps the pace flowing. The ending scene with Luke is still breathtaking, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.