Star Wars: Episode IX — 5 ridiculously early predictions

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Credit: Lucasfilm

4. We will see a familiar planet

Star Wars: The Force Awakens introduced many new planets into the Star Wars lore, including Jakku, Takodanna and Ahch-To while The Last Jedi acquainted us with Cantonica and Crait. Also, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story also featured multiple new planets. None of these planets were featured in any other movies, TV series or any other form of canon before. While it’s really neat to see Lucasfilm expand the Star Wars universe, Episode IX should (and most likely will) return to a familiar planet.

Whether we see Rey return to Ahch-To in order to finish her training and contact Luke Skywalker or if we see Tatooine, Endor or any of the other classic locations brought back into the mix, I am very confident that we will see the storyline include a planet that has already been visited in a previous film. Since The Last Jedi went in so many unexpected directions, seeing our characters return to a familiar location would just feel… right.