The Flash: Best and worst moments of season 4 so far

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Credit: The CW

4. WORST: Wally West

Most of the characters this season have found their footing in terms of having a valuable role on the show, with the exception of Wally West, who was completely wasted. Before Barry returned to Central City, Wally West was the main speedster in town. Instead of giving him his own moment to shine, the season premiere featured him getting completely defeated by the hands of the Samurai, who was only destroyed once Barry returned.

In Episode 3, “Luck Be A Lady”, we see the show bring Harrison Wells back onto the team. Since Jesse Quick wasn’t returning, the show gave Wally the short end of the stick and had Jesse breakup with Wally in the most impersonal way – via a holographic cube. The way Jesse handled the breakup was extremely out-of-character and it was a low-blow to the development of Wally’s character. After this moment, we don’t really see Wally for the remainder of the episode and Team Flash doesn’t act concerned about his absence. Wally brings this up at the end of the episode and decides to leave Team Flash and go on a journey to find himself – and no one cares to stop him.

Case in point, this is why we need Wally West on Legends on Tomorrow