All superhero movies of 2017, ranked from worst to best, including Logan

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superhero, Credit: Lionsgate

Here are all superhero movies of 2017, ranked.

This year gave us a variety of great superhero movies. Indeed, a total of eight superhero films dominated the big screen in 2017. Some made us cry (perhaps for different reasons) while others made us wonder in awe. And, even though some were not as great as we had anticipated them to be, most of the times the good aspects outweighed the bad. Some of these movies are even in consideration for an Oscar nomination.

While it’s up for debate if any of these films deserve an Oscar for Best Picture, what we can all agree on is that these movies are wonderful additions to the grand superhero genre (well, except for one that’s on this list).

From Marvel to DC to other superhero franchises, here are all the theatrically released superhero movies of 2017, ranked from least to greatest.

8. Power Rangers

The Power Rangers franchise has had many iterations through the years. It sparked two feature films in the ‘90s and there are way too many shows to even list on this post. Generations young and old love the Power Rangers, so it was just a matter of time until Hollywood made the inevitable modern adaptation. Saban’s Power Rangers released early this year, in March, and despite being a box office bomb, the movie perfectly captures the classic essence of past shows.

Starring Dacre Montgomery, Naomi Scott, RJ Cyler, Becky G and Ludi Lin as the titular superheroes, the movie saw an innovative portrayal of the Rangers in a modern setting. The young cast ensemble gave new life to the group of Rangers, with a family dynamic we’ve only come to see recently in shows like Stranger Things.

In addition to the young cast, veteran actors Bryan Cranston, Bill Hader and Elizabeth Banks appeared in the film as Zordon, Alpha 5 and Rita Repulsa, respectively. Saban’s Power Rangers may be low on this list, but don’t let that stop you from seeing the movie. It might not compare to the other superhero movies on this list, but it’s still a great movie nonetheless.