5 most irreplaceable characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ {Credit: Marvel Studios}

2. Black Widow

Natasha Romanov has been one of the staples of the MCU for over eight years, ever since her introduction in Iron Man 2. Since then, she has not only been a head member of the Avengers, but one of the most popular characters in the MCU. This of course is all thanks to the fantastic work of Scarlet Johanson.

Since her introduction, Johanson managed to turn a barely developed character to one of the most mysterious members of the Avengers. Her story of having red in her ledger has shown just how dark of a past she has had. Not only that, but she has also provided some of the best action in the franchise.

Johanson is an acclaimed actress who has put a lot of work into her character. Time and time again, she managed to show us just how complex and conflicted her character is. She also has some of the most fan investment behind her character as well. All of this is credited to how she has played her character.

With the recent news of Black Widow rumored to finally be getting her own solo movie, it seems unlikely that they will replace her character anytime soon. But even without the movie, it is unclear what the future holds for her character. Even then, replacing Johanson’s character would do more harm than good to the MCU.