Arrow season 6: Best and worst moments so far

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Credit: The CW

4. Worst: The split of Team Arrow

By the end of the mid-season finale, we saw Black Canary, Mr. Terrific and Wild Dog all exit Team Arrow because the Green Arrow couldn’t trust them and they couldn’t trust him anymore. This leaves the original three members of Team Arrow – Oliver, Diggle and Felicity – to protect Star City. While Felicity was worried that they wouldn’t be able to do this by themselves, Oliver clearly acts unconcerned and states that they will be able to this by themselves.

This direction only further proves the fact that the addition of these B-line characters onto the team was practically useless. While each character has had their golden moments, the series is still struggling to have these characters find their place within the team a season and a half later. By the end of this storyline, viewers can only hope that the show will finally showcase why Diana, Curtis and Rene are essential to Team Arrow and not just some tacked-on characters that take up space.