Arrow season 6: Best and worst moments so far

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Credit: The CW

2. Worst: The resolution to the cliffhanger

Season 5 was a highly-entertaining and intense season of Arrow that ended with a bang – literally. Right before he kills himself, Adrian Chase uses the final trick up his sleeve and blows up the entire island of Lian Yu from the boat that he was on with Oliver and William. This was the last moment of the season and viewers were in absolute shock as the fate of every character on the show – minus Oliver and William – was now uncertain.

For months, fans speculated which characters would survive the island and which ones wouldn’t make it out alive (or healthy). In the Season 6 premiere, the story begins months later showing Team Arrow back in action like nothing ever happened. and the story of what happened was told in everyone’s favorite storytelling method: flashbacks. It turned out that everyone made it safely off the island except for Oliver’s baby momma, who was clearly killed off so Oliver would gain custody of William moving forward.

Sure, Thea was put in a coma for a couple episodes and Diggle received an injury, but it felt like a real slap in the face. Instead of continuing the rich storyline set up in Season 5, Arrow decided to start a completely separate storyline while only referencing certain plot points – which was this season’s biggest mistake.