Spider-Man: Homecoming — Who could the femme fatale be?
By Mark Lynch
Spider-Man, Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics
With rumors of the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel casting a femme fatale, who could Marvel pull from the comics to fill this role?
Webster’s Dictionary defines a femme fatale as, “a seductive woman who lures men into dangerous or compromising situations.” Recently, Marvel announced that Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 will have their own femme fatale. Thathashtagshow.com reported that casting director Sarah Finn and her crew are looking for a 20-year-old woman, for a femme fatale role. This may explain the leaked video of Louna’s audition for Gwen Stacy. But which phenomenal femme fatales will Marvel go with?
Black Cat (Felicia Hardy)
Black Cat would be the obvious choice here. Mostly because she is one of the most recognized faces in the Spider-Man universe. Black Cat has always been one of Spider-Man’s weaknesses for years. It’s not just her beautiful looks that drives Spider-Man up a wall. Felicia does something that Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane can’t do; unleash Peter’s wild side. Spider-Man was free to be adventurous and try new things. In the Ultimate Universe, Felicia was much older than Peter was really into him. Peter also fell head over heels for her. Too bad she barfed on him when she found out how old he was.
Adding Black Cat to the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel adds a little more excitement to this movie. The (pardon the pun) cat and mouse would be great as well. She’s also one of the few people who can actually outrun, well, out-swing Spider-Man. If they go with Black Cat, it will be great!