Iron Man 2 review: How does it impact Infinity War?

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What did not?

Justin Hammer should have been the only antagonist in this movie. Hammer (played by Sam Rockwell) did an amazing job playing Stark’s less than capable rival. The movie was centered around Tony Stark’s Iron Man armor being a danger to the world and Justin Hammer trying to find a way to recreate the armor and destroy Stark Enterprises.

Since that was the focus, why did we need Whiplash? He didn’t have any real point to this movie. Even the scene when he first attacked Stark during the race took away from the overall point of Stark entering the competition. This was a moment that could have furthered Stark’s downward spiral. Sure, it proved that there was Stark tech around the world, but it could have been another Hammer employee and no one would have noticed the difference. It also would have been better to have Justin Hammer in the suit during the final fight scene. Hammer could have still been fumbling with recreating the armor without being completely incompetent.

There were so many great moments that were forgotten because there was too much going on. One moment in particular was the party. I may remember it, but it was a moment that should have not only made Rhodey look great. It also could have been one of the most memorable moments in the Iron Man franchise.