The six most recent superhero movie trailers, ranked

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3. Deadpool 2

Fans had to wait a while for the Deadpool 2 trailer, but once it got here, it didn’t disappoint. Right out of the gate, the trailer broke away from what we’ve come to expect from superhero films. Taking advantage of Deadpool’s fourth-wall-breaking shenanigans, the footage kicked off with Wade Wilson addressing the audience about a hilarious CGI mishap with Cable’s robotic arm.

Speaking of Cable, a stellar point of the trailer was the time-traveling mutant, played by Josh Brolin. The trailer managed to establish Nathan Summers’ overly-serious demeanor without taking away from Deadpool’s insane and over-the-top nature. That dichotomy was one of the most compelling elements from the ‘Cable & Deadpool’ comics, so it was great to see it brought into the film.

Of course, the trailer wouldn’t have been a proper piece of promotional material for a Deadpool film without some hilarious pop culture references. Surprisingly, nothing seemed to be off-limits for the Merc with a Mouth, as Deadpool joked about Toy Story, the DC Extended Universe, and even included some subtle nods to the MCU.

Overall, the trailer perfectly captured what makes Wade Wilson such an attractive character, and aside from getting audiences excited for the film, it also had plenty of fans (including yours truly) eager to see what the movie’s marketing campaign will be like moving forward.