South Park The Fractured But Whole: Top 5 superheroes

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1. Mysterion/Kenny

Mysterion is the leader of the “Freedom Pals” and may be one of the only characters on South Park that actually has superpowers. His move-set is very similar to The Coon’s but with some small modifications. The “Demonic Fury” attacks add a little more damage to enemies and the acrobatics look much cooler. I also really enjoy the “Dread Rush,” a very strong attack that knocks enemies in reverse, making it perfect for combo attacks. And of course, what makes Mysterion so useful is that he is always playable, even in death.

When the character runs out of health or uses the “Cruel Fate”  , he arises from his body as a ghost. This ghost is still playable and can not take any damage. When in this state, Mysterion’s ghost can freeze an opponent’s turn, confuse them into attacking it’s allies, and lowering their defenses. This can be a great advantage on big bosses to keep the fight going and delay turns that you can’t survive.

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If you use the super move again on the ghost, Mysterion is resurrected and heals everyone around him. This is why Mysterion is the best, his attacks are strong and has an interesting trick that can completely change the match.