Thor: The Dark World review: How does it impact Infinity War?

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What didn’t work?

Speaking of flaws, Thor: The Dark World was not without its fair share of them. It may have been a fun movie, but there were still a few problems with it.

Probably the biggest problem with the movie is the infamous “Marvel Villain Problem”. This of course is the claim that Marvel puts little to no effort in building their villains. Not only that, but for the most part, they only last one movie.

To be fair now, there is no argument against this. Malekith does fall under that category of “forgettable villains” alongside Whiplash from Iron Man 2 and Killian from Iron Man 3.

Visually, Malekith looks like a really cool villain, especially after half of his face gets crisped. Not only that, but his army of Dark Elves also look threatening with those creepy looking masks they wear.

But of course, it’s not just the look that makes a villain. It’s also their plan. And Malekith’s plan more or less falls under the plan of acquiring a single power to conquer the entire universe. It’s a plan that we’ve seen time and time again, to the point where it becomes generic, and quite frankly, cliche.

The movie also suffers more or less from some of the supporting roles. Quite specifically, it is the humans that are the problem. Jane Foster is not the problem, as she has an important role in the movie. Instead, it is people like Darcy and Eric Selvig who are more or less just kind of there.

They are more of a filler for the movie, which is fine. However, at points, it seems as if they are more taking away from the movie rather than adding to it. It is not always a problem, but there are instances of it happening throughout.

Thor: The Dark World may have fun moments, but it is not without its flaws. And some of those flaws really hurt the movie.