Jessica Jones season 2: The good and the bad

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Marvel’s Jessica Jones

The Bad: Too much going on

The previews of season 2 of Jessica Jones gave everyone the impression that this would be the season that we finally figured out how Jessica Jones got her powers and why she was chosen. While we were given all of that, there was also a lot of other things going on. Maybe too much.

First, there was the Trish Walker story. The struggle between everything she was going through trying to be a reporter with morals wasn’t getting her closer to beinworld-renownedwned celebrity. A part of the story that helped Trish’s story, but did nothing for the story as a whole.

On top of that, their was the ALS story with Jeri. More parts of the story that didn’t need to be brought so quickly. It took away from the mystique of what was going on. Had this been mentioned later, there could have been more added to Jessica’s story and Jessica could have solved more cases.

Lastly, the story about Jessica almost getting evicted was pointless and added nothing to the story. Once that part was over, I was confused. A lot of the story seemed to just drag. Season 2 of Jessica Jones could have prospered from only having eight episodes like in The Defenders.

Pryce Cheng is the worst

Side characters and antagonists are an important part of any show. They find a way to further the story and make characters better. Pryce Cheng does none of this. Pryce is in the show more than he needs to be. At first you think he might be some kind of badass that would be able to take on Jessica Jones in a fight. Come to find out, he’s just some weak and insecure dude. This could work in certain situations, but not here. Annoying characters work, but he wasn’t just annoying. He was bad and had no redeeming qualities on any level. To top it all off, he’s not that good of an actor and a terrible shot.