Guardians of the Galaxy: How does it impact Avengers: Infinity War?

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Almost four years later, how will Guardians of the Galaxy impact Avengers: Infinity War?

When Guardians of the Galaxy was announced, no one had any idea what to expect. The main reason was most people didn’t know who any of the characters were. All they saw was a smart-aleck guy with a lack of respect for authority, a couple of green warriors, and a talking raccoon and tree. Then, Guardians of the Galaxy hit the theaters and it became they became an immediate success. This is also the movie where we start to see how things are going to tie into Avengers: Infinity War.

What worked

This movie is a blueprint on how to create a lovable team out of motley crew. The actors selected for this movie were perfect. Who would have thought that Chris Pratt could go from the chubby guy from Parks and Recreation to the buff star of a box office hit? Zoe Saldana has already established herself as a star and continued that trend as the most dangerous woman in the galaxy Gamora. WWE star Dave Bautista was more than just muscle — his comedic timing was perfect. Then Bradley Cooper as Rocket and Vin Diesel as Groot was just flawless. Combining that talent together created a chemistry that very few movies have ever had.

The story was also amazing. It wasn’t just jokes and action. There were a lot of deep moments. Drax talking about his family was slaughtered, Gamora and her sister being raised by Thanos, and, at the beginning of the movie, we see Star Lord’s mother die of cancer before the credits start rolling. Guardians of the Galaxy combined humor, drama, and the sadness of being “losers” and turned it into a classic movie.

And, of course, there’s the amazing soundtrack full of fun music.