15 greatest sidekicks in comic book history

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3. Bucky Barnes

Bucky Barnes was once a very prominent sidekick during the 1940s. He was a kid with exceptional fighting skills that was sent to England at the age of 16 and was trained in combat by the S.A.S. After he completed training there he would be transported back to the United States and eventually earned the title of Captain America’s sidekick. His new found partnership led the US to exploit him in order to get more kids to join the army in hopes that they too, could someday become Captain America’s sidekick. The reason why Bucky isn’t higher on the list is based on the fact that he lasted only until the end of World War II where he was seemingly killed off in the 1940s. There was even thought that he was going to stay dead, especially after Cap’s return and when Bucky was replaced by Golden Girl.

Bucky didn’t return until 2005 where his story came back full circle when it was revealed that he had survived. His reintroduction would see him return as a brainwashed villain called the  Winter Soldier. With such a major gap despite his recent popularity, Bucky’s notoriety comes from him being the Winter Soldier and taking over for Captain America. Still, there’s been a rejuvenated interest in the character which undoubtedly helps his popularity. Part of his rise in popularity has even more to do with the depiction of the character in the MCU played by Sebastian Stan. Who knows, maybe we’ll see him again in Marvel’s Fresh Start where he’d get his story told a without a 65-year gap.