Black Lightning: Five influential moments in season 1

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3. Lady Eve was killed

Episode 7: Equinox: The Book of Fate

Lady Eve came out guns blazing, as Jill Scott did an amazing job portraying a merciless crime queenpin. Lady Eve was so intimidating that she even kept a guy like Tobias in check, who may have hated the way he was treated, but knew better than to test her mettle. That was until Tobias decided that Eve had gone too far and threatened his life. Tobias set up Lady Eve to be killed and even made it look like it was Black Lightning that murdered her. A bold move by Tobias.

What made this memorable

If Lady Eve didn’t die, Tobias wouldn’t have gotten the grip on the criminal empire that he gained at the end of the season. Tobias knew that at some point he would wear out his usefulness and this would force Lady Eve to kill him. Also, making it look like Black Lightning killed her was genius. Since Lady Eve was such a well-liked person in the community, the public started to question Black Lighting as a hero. This is something that might come back to bight Black Lightning in the butt later in the series.