Spider-Man: Homecoming review: How does it impact Infinity War?

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What didn’t work?

The supporting cast

Now, I want to clarify by saying that this isn’t a criticism of the cast as a whole. Ned (Jacob Batalon) in particular, was an excellent addition. I just felt that we could have seen more of certain characters. Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) is possibly the biggest example of this.

The version of Aunt May in the MCU is a departure from previous adaptations of the character. We’re shown a younger, more attractive May Parker which, in itself, isn’t a bad thing, the problem lies in the fact that many of her scenes were cut. There was the running joke that everybody is attracted to her, but aside from that, she didn’t really have a lot to do.

The same is true for the rest of Peter’s school friends. Characters like Flash Thompson are iconic in the Spider-Man mythology, but he was slightly underused. He fulfilled his role as a bully, but he was a one-note character and we never saw any of his idolizing of Spider-Man.

The same was true for Liz Allan. Aside from serving as Peter’s love interest, she didn’t really offer anything new to the film. The twist involving Toomes being her father offered an interesting conflict for Peter, but she wasn’t the most exciting of characters.

Too much CGI

I’ll admit, I’m reaching a little here to try and think of something. If I had one criticism of the film it was the reliance on CGI. The fact that Peter’s suit was heavily computer generated was something that I was a little disappointed with.

Tom Holland had clearly trained for the role and worked hard to ensure he was able to create the best big-screen Spider-Man. It was a shame that CGI was used as much as it was.

Finally, we’ll have a look at how the film will tie into Infinity War