The Flash: How can the team defeat Clifford DeVoe?

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Photo Credit: Show/The CW Image Acquired from CWTVPR

3. Power-dampening tech

This is fairly straightforward, facing up against an opponent with several abilities without a defense is like going up against Supergirl without Kryptonite – a suicide mission.

About three seasons back, Team Flash had attempted to use power-dampening technology to transport meta-human inmates detained in the pipeline at S.T.A.R Labs to a plane to A.R.G.U.S. The mission, of course, failed due to the manipulations of Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and the rest of the Rogues. DeVoe will be anticipating this, as it is the most obvious method.

In order for the power–dampeners and Team Flash to even have a slim chance of gaining the upper hand, the technology must be upgraded and not in the form of power–cuffs. It may have to be a non-lethal weapon such as an upgrade at Iron Heights prison. Something inconspicuous, shot at long distance, has a wide radius and cannot be disarmed easily.

The downside is DeVoe is constantly monitoring his opponent’s every move from his secret lair and without Gauss’ help, there is no way to get the jump on DeVoe without him foreseeing their every move. So this is more than likely something DeVoe can easily foresee coming.

Power–dampening tech alone is not going to stop DeVoe, there has to be something a little more creative that does not just require logic per se, as even without his powers, he is quite manipulative and can enact the plan to enlightenment even during times when his vulnerable to attack. The Flash has to use more than speed in order to solve his problems. He is using his head a lot more, but Barry needs another edge to defeat The Thinker as this is merely just to stop him temporarily.