Arrow: 5 predictions for the season 6 finale

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4. Anatoly will betray Diaz

Oliver’s old friend Anatoly hasn’t been particularly friendly this season. The two men have a long history together but their relationship began to show cracks in Season 5. Since their initial conflict, they’ve have been at odds. With Anatoly feeling betrayed, he joined forces with Cayden James and eventually, Ricardo Diaz. However, recent episodes suggest that Oliver’s former friend doesn’t take too kindly to Diaz’s lack of honor.

After convincing Diaz to fight Oliver with honor, he then saved Team Arrow’s lives with a text — warning Oliver to get out before he was attacked by Diaz’s men. And although his motives were questioned by The Dragon, Anatoly managed to convince Star City’s newest crime boss that he was on his side.

But with the season finale upon us, we have to wonder if Anatoly will finally step out from Diaz’s shadow and stand up to him. Remember, Oliver has ensured that he can return to the Bratva in the future, so perhaps he will finally free himself from Diaz’s reign of terror. But will he follow in Black Siren’s footsteps and turn on Diaz to help Oliver? It’s definitely looking more and more likely. Come on Anatoly, we know you wouldn’t let anything happen to your friend, right?!