Arrow: 5 predictions for the season 6 finale

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2. Quentin Lance will die

This is one prediction I wish we didn’t have to make. Quentin Lance has been an integral part of Arrow since the show began back in 2012, but it’s beginning to look like he may become the show’s latest casualty. It’s been common knowledge for quite some time now that there will be a major death in the season finale. While we all speculated as to who it could be, Paul Blackthrone’s departure from the show has seemingly solidified the fact that Quentin will be the one to die. Throw in the fact that Legends of Tomorrow‘s Caity Lotz is also returning as his daughter Sara, it seems like it’s a strong possibility.

It isn’t a given yet, but unfortunately Quentin’s death does make sense from a storyline standpoint. While he is undoubtedly one of the moral compasses of the show, he’s never really been the same since the unjust death of his daughter: the Black Canary herself, Laurel Lance. As we saw in a recent conversation with Earth-2 Laurel, he still blames himself for her death and thus, vowed to keep Black Siren safe from Ricardo Diaz.

So, with Siren currently in Diaz’s clutches, we have to wonder if Quentin will rescue his daughter’s doppelgänger and pay the price. His death would likely be the final step in completing Black Siren’s redemption, allowing the former villain to take down Diaz out of revenge.

I certainly hope that Quentin doesn’t die. He’s undoubtedly one of the Arrowverse’s strongest characters, and Arrow will miss him no matter what happens. But with a major death planned, Paul Blackthorne’s confirmed departure and the current storyline, it’s looking like the detective-turned-captain-turned-deputy mayor-turned-mayor is the character most likely to be the finale’s fatality.