Arrow: 5 predictions for the season 6 finale

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1. Oliver Queen will go to prison

All season, we’ve been teased with the possibility of Oliver Queen going to prison for his vigilante activities as the Green Arrow. A doctored photo led to the introduction of crafty FBI agent Samanda Watson — who, for some reason, was convinced that Star City’s mayor was indeed the Emerald Archer. But despite the evidence stacking up against him (and the corrupt trial orchestrated by Ricardo Diaz), Oliver and his team managed to walk away relatively unscathed… for now.

However, with Diaz’s corrupt police force outnumbering them, their identities somewhat exposed and Black Siren in the wind, Oliver turned to the last person we’d expect for help — Agent Watson. Watson agreed to help on the two conditions: The first of which was for Oliver to admit his true identity — to which he complied. But the episode purposely ended before we found out the second condition. Given the finale’s title, “Life Sentence”, we have to wonder if Oliver has agreed to publicly admit that he is the Green Arrow, allowing himself to prosecuted properly this time.

There had been rumors that the showrunners intended to adapt the unused film script, Green Arrow: Escape from Super Max, for the show’s seventh season. This film would have seen Oliver Queen sent to a prison with corrupt guards, and his escape hinged on working with supervillains. Whether this is true or not, it’s looking like we may indeed see a long spell at Iron Heights Prison in the future of the Green Arrow.

Next: 50 greatest super heroes in comic book history

The Arrow season 6 finale airs this Thursday, May 17, at 9:00 p.m. ET on The CW. Do you agree with any of our predictions? What do you think will happen? Let us know in the comments section below!