DCEU’s Birds of Prey: What introducing the Black Canary means

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DCEU, Photo Credit: Arrow/The CW Image Acquired from CWTVPR

Black Canary will make her DCEU debut in Birds of Prey. This could open up Pandora’s box for DCEU including the existence of Green Arrow. 

It’s been confirmed that Batgirl/Barbra Gordon will join Harley Quinn in Cathy Yan’s Birds of Prey. Additionally, recent rumors suggest that Huntress and Black Canary are to set to make their DCEU debut in Yan’s film. The idea of including the original trio makes sense should DCEU President Walter Hamada want to stay true to the comics.

If that proves to be the case, introducing Black Canary means that the DCEU has another heroine with a great story. Additionally, her story connects to a number of DC Comic’s characters including, Green Arrow. 

There’s a great backstory to be explored 

To begin with, the exploration of Black Canary’s history needs to take place. Like many comic book heroes, Black Canary’s history is convoluted. It’s why the Arrowverse has three different versions of her. As a matter of fact, the most accurate depiction of Black Canary was Arrow’s Laurel Lance(Katie Cassidy). One major flaw was that she didn’t possess the meta-gene to produce the ultrasonic Canary Cry. That was likely due to Arrow being more grounded than The Flash, which introduced the meta phenomenon to CW’s Arrowverse.

Nevertheless, Arrow’s Laurel was inspired to take the mantle of Black Canary just like in the comics. In Arrow, it was the death of her sister opposed to the comics where her mother served as her inspiration. Additionally, her father was a cop, she trained with Wildcat and she was in a relationship with Oliver. Unfortunately, she was killed off and replaced by Dinah Drake, an as kicking meta-human. The multiple Canary’s and confusing stories are something the DCEU has to avoid — there’s a way it can.