Riverdale Rewind: Cheryl’s top six scene-stealing moments

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Photo Credit: Riverdale/The CW Image Acquired from CWTVPR

To celebrate Madelaine Petsch winning the MTV Scene Stealer Award, here’s my ranking of Cheryl’s top six scene-stealing moments from season two of Riverdale.

Cheryl Blossom, aka Cheryl Bombshell, has never been one to shy away from the limelight. In season two that didn’t change, but we also got to see a softer, more vulnerable side to Cheryl that wasn’t always as obvious in season one.

With that mind, the following ranking includes a mix of Cheryl’s most extra and over-the-top moments as well as her most powerful moments of vulnerability. Cheryl is very complex, and like Toni (Vanessa Morgan), I love all the facets of her personality.

6. “Born for” it

While many viewers may have been focused on Archie (KJ Apa) and Jughead (Cole Sprouse), this was the scene from episode six that launched a 1,000+ “Choni” shippers. It marked the first, brief but memorable, interaction between current girlfriends Cheryl and Toni.

Per usual, Cheryl is wonderfully extra and demands to be the center of attention as the flag girl for the drag race, even though that’s typically Toni’s role. Cheryl delivers one of her best one-liners, pop culture reference included, to show that she won’t be giving in: “Not today, Cha Cha. I was born for this moment.”

Toni backs down begrudgingly, but what caught a lot of viewers’ attention was Toni’s not subtle look at Cheryl as she walks up to Cheryl. Now, she could’ve been looking at the racing flag in Cheryl’s hand. She could’ve been checking Cheryl out. Maybe both. You decide. (Hint: The options involving Toni checking Cheryl out are the more fun canonical options.)

Also, credit where credit is due, Cheryl was 100 percent born for this moment. Singer Patsy Cline once said, “If you can’t do it with feeling, don’t.” Cheryl kicks off the race with feeling and flair as only she can.