Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #20 Review: Something Sinister

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Has Spiderling Gone Rogue?

Annie May thinks she has it rough since she’s been grounded by her parents. Accidentally putting together a team which included a wanna-be villain will do that. Yet now she’s having strange nightmares of heading out and terrorizing tourists. Unfortunately, it turns out they’re not mere dreams. Video footage of someone who looks just like Annie scaring people has hit social media. Peter and MJ immediately want to make sure that it really isn’t Annie, which quickly offends her.

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In addition, this new crisis ties into another secret Annie May has kept from her parents. While Spider-Man has a “spider-sense” that warns him of danger, Annie sporadically has full on psychic visions. Peter himself had such visions at rare points in the past, yet for Annie they’re more frequent. She’s never told her parents this, and her ability to somehow know more about the incident than she should makes Annie appear guilty. Yet both Peter and Mary Jane know that superhero life is more complicated!

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As a result, Peter takes the day off from his substitute teaching gig to get some outside help. It comes in the form of his sporadic ally and former New Fantastic Four founder, Wolverine. While Logan may be Annie May’s trainer at the Xavier School, he and Peter barely get along. Yet both of them care about Annie, and Logan’s sense of smell is among the best in the Marvel Universe. Unfortunately, Wolverine gets into his spandex just to confirm the obvious — Annie, or someone with her scent, was there.