Credit: DC Comics, Marvel
Lantern Corps are for DC Comics only, but what if they were part of the Marvel Comics Universe?
In DC Comics, the Lantern Corps are looked at as the most powerful beings in the world. Their power could destroy planets if focused properly. Each Lantern power ring is used by focusing on a different emotion. Also, each Lantern is distinguished by a shade on the color spectrum. I thought it would be interesting to envision which Marvel characters could represent each of the Lantern Corps.
Green: Will Power
Oath: “In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might Beware my power–Green Lantern’s light!”
The Green Lantern Ring is powered by a person’s willpower. For example, not giving in to peer pressure, fighting through fear, or believing in yourself. These qualities are reasons why wielders Hal Jordan, John Stewart, and Kyle Rayner have been some of greatest Green Lanterns of all time.
Steve Rogers
There isn’t a person in the Marvel Universe with more willpower than Steve Rogers. I’d even venture to say in comic books period. It doesn’t matter how many times it seems like he’s beaten, Rogers always finds a way to come out on top. It’s also been stated that Rogers has an indomitable will. Give him a Green Lantern ring and he be able to protect the universe all by himself.
A perfect example of his will is during Marvel Civil War. Iron Man had Rogers defeated, but no matter what Stark did to Rogers he wouldn’t submit or even fall He even refused to fall after Iron Man used a weapon that that attacked his ears. After the beating and the assault on his inner ear, he still wouldn’t give up. This is what makes Rogers who he is.
Other members: Cyclops, Nick Fury, Ben Grimm