Lantern Corps in the Marvel Universe
By Mark Lynch
Red: Rage
Oath: “With blood and rage of crimson red, Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead, Together with our hellish hate, We’ll burn you all–that is your fate!”
There is a common misconception that the only thing you need is anger to be a Red Lantern. It takes much more than that. Atrocitus has rage, hate, and vengeance in his heart due to years of imprisonment and the destruction of his home sector and billions of lives. Sure, there is hate and resentment, but there also has to need for vengeance.
Frank Castle
A Red Lantern Ring could make Frank Castle the most dangerous being in the universe. His rage and need for vengeance started with the death of his family and never ended. Even after he murdered the people responsible for killing his family, Castle felt the need to kill the worst of the world. He kills murderers, rapists, sex traffickers, and drug dealers. This ring could possibly let Punisher complete his mission. After that, there is a universe of people left for him to punish. His rage would be endless.
During the series The Slavers, Frank Castle made it a point to stop everything he was doing to seek vengeance on the people who caused so much pain and death. Had he worn the Red Lantern ring he might have abolished sex trafficking from the world.
Other members: Cable, Bucky Barnes, Moon Knight