Spider-Man and the best contributions of Steve Ditko

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Credit: Marvel Comics, Spider-Man

One of the creators of Spider-Man, Steve Ditko, recently passed away. What were some of his best creations?

With the recent passing of the comic great, Steve Ditko, we continue to mourn. Let us keep in mind some of the great contributions he made to comics.

The man may no longer be occupying a world of living anymore. Keep in mind, his work is going to be with us forever. All of this work of is will continue to be shared, reprinted and inspiring to many fans and potential comic book creators out there. Hence, let us count down five of the biggest contributions of Ditko.

5. Squirrel Girl

She may been seen as one of his smaller contributions. Squirrel Girl first appears in Marvel Super-Heroes #8 back in 1991. Steve Ditko was less of a creator and simply taking on a job after the first artist dropped out. Writer and creator Will Murray retells it: ‘I requested Ditko and got him. Ditko did a great job in bringing my baby to life. He invented that knuckle spike. It wasn’t in the script.’  The issue culminated with the almighty, Doctor Doom being defeated by Squirrel Girl… and her hordes of squirrels. Believe it or not fans are still split on this ending. Many find it preposterous to see one of the all-time greatest villains go down in such a ludicrous way. Others cannot help but sit back, laugh and fall in love with Squirrel Girl.

Ditko drew the Squirrel Girl only this one time. Looking back she appears both cute and terrifying now in her original design. As minimal as his role may be Squirrel Girl has grown in quite the popularity over the years. Since 2015 she now leads her own monthly series, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl and it continues to this day.