Marvel Cinematic Universe: What’s Ghost’s future?

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics


The Thunderbolts are a group of villains fighting for good to hopefully be redeemed for their crimes. Some incarnations of the roster the Thunderbolts are government sanctioned and the recruitment is part of their probation. When Norman Osborn was in charge of the world’s security, they were his stealthy hit squad. They attacked, killed, and captured whoever Norman desired. Among the members was Ghost. While he seemed like a happy worker, Ghost was working on destroying Norman from the inside.

After everything that Ava did for the government as Ghost and after what she went through during Ant-Man and The Wasp, it wouldn’t be a surprise if Ava went looking for redemption. The problem is it’s doubtful that she would take any help from the government after they used her.

One way to bring them in is to make them the villains in an Avengers movie. The Thunderbolts tend to match-up well in a fight against the Avengers. Since Hawkeye was the leader of the Thunderbolts in the comics for a while, maybe this could be a way to start a new franchise. However, the Thunderbolts would work better as a TV show. Maybe they could replace Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.