Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ranking Phase 1 Blu-rays and DVDs

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4. The Incredible Hulk

DVD Sales $69,344,239/4 million units
Blu-ray Sales $7,694,051/465k units
Total Video Sales $77,038,290/4.5 million units

It almost comes as a surprise that this title outsells both Thor and Captain America. Odd, given it is the most under-performing title in Phase 1 and in the MCU entirety. Yes, both Cap and Thor sold slightly fewer DVDs and Blu-rays, they had a better box office performance. Hence, they both got sequels unlike the Hulk here. However, that is not the underlying reason for everyone’s favorite angry green giant.

The Incredible Hulk slams the shelves in late October of 2008 with over 1.5 million DVDs sold, bringing in over $28 million in revenue. Sadly, or angrily for the Hulk, he drops each week after, more and more. This is due to numerous new releases just adding competition. I think part of the reason The Incredible Hulk outdoes the two pretty boys is for two reasons. Many people are buying many more DVDs at this point. The market is clear in what media they want.

Second, this is only the second ever MCU title at the time. Copping this off the shelf is a big deal for some. Plus, many wanted a better Hulk film than what we had previously.