Moon Knight: Five must-haves for the character to succeed

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

No capes

Capes may be a major part of Moon Knight’s history, but Edna said it best in The Incredibles. “NO CAPES!” The cape doesn’t work with the Marvel television shows. Even if Moon Knight was to appear on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. it’s too goofy for him to wear. It’s bad enough the jokes about him wearing white at night are going to be made during the show. Some people are reading this and scoffing because Moon Knight’s cape is actually functional. Yes, his capes do allow for him to glide a bit. Moon Knight also has a few gliders that he can use that are less distracting. Even though they are moon shaped.

There was a run of Moon Knight comic books where Moon Knight was called Mr. Knight and he wore an all-white suit and he went around the city in a limo that drove itself. This could be how Moon Knight gets around without the use of his flying machines. It’s also more practical in a world where the heroes are supposed to be a little more realistic than in the comics.