Iron Fist: Characters we could see in season 2

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

Past Iron Fists

It was well documented in season one that Danny Rand was not the first Iron Fist. As I stated above, Orson Randall was Danny’s predecessor. What also came with the Immortal Iron Fist story (written by Matt Fraction and Ed Brubaker) were some of the Iron Fists we’ve never seen before. Like Randall, they all used their powers differently.

Bei Bang-Wen used his powers not only through martial arts but also through coming up with perfect strategies. Fongji Wu was a female Iron Fist who also possessed the Phoenix Force. The Pirate Queen of Pinghai Bay Wu Ao-Shi was said to shoot arrows that looked like lightning from god.

It’s always nice to see where a character comes from. The Iron Fist lineage goes all the way back to the prehistoric days when that Iron Fist fought with Odin, the Black Panther of that time, Agamotto, the Phoenix, and Star Brand in 1,000,000 b.c.

Learning where a character comes from is crucial to seeing where a character can go. Even if these Iron Fists are only used in small doses, it would be a talking point at the very least- maybe even enough for a spin-off of sorts. One of the best parts is that the Iron Fist lineage included more than a few women.