Marvel Cinematic Universe: Which characters could be a Skrull?

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It may seem like a stretch due to Wong’s power and skills, but allow me to explain. The Skrulls aren’t against outnumbering their opponents to win a fight. No matter how great Wong is, numbers can come into play. Plus, with all of the confusion going on during Avengers: Infinity War, it might have been easy for Wong to put his guard down if a Skrull came in looking like Dr. Strange. When Dr. Strange gets back to Earth, Wong might not be the person he thinks he is.

Wong is a great choice because of all the secrets that the mystic arts contain. Beyond the Eye of Agamotto (the Time Stone), there are all sorts of mystical trinkets, weapons, and potions that the Skrulls would love to reverse engineer and figure out. Plus, knowing the magic element would help them stay hidden from anyone who practices the mystic arts. Magic is the biggest key to the Skrull invasion. If they find a way to defend against magic, they could be unstoppable. Wong would be their strongest capture.