The Flash: A ranking of all four seasons
Credit: The CW and DC Comics for The Flash
Season Three
By season three, fans had grown a little tired of the “speedster big bad” angle. For two straight seasons, Barry had to beat an opponent that was faster than him.
It’s fair to say viewers weren’t thrilled when season three used the same idea. Many fans disliked the way the Savitar arc further cheapened the use of time travel In the show.
Team Flash also expanded its roster and both seasons three and four have shown that the team works best as a small unit. Having too many members on the teams makes it hard to get the viewer to really invest in any of them. Wally West never really had a chance to establish himself, and the character suffered for it.
Perhaps the biggest indication of the third season’s failures is its darkness. The first two seasons successfully balanced light, comedic episodes with heavy, dark ones.
Season three, though, was consistently gloomy, which upset many fans. Despite its problems, the third season was still relatively enjoyable. With season four, viewers hoped the show would return to its former fun-loving self and, ultimately, it failed to do so in a satisfying way.