Wonder Woman vs. Captain Marvel: Who wins?
By Mark Lynch
Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
And the winner is: Wonder Woman
As a Marvel comics fan, I have to give the win to Wonder Woman. That’s not to take anything away from Captain Marvel. She’s one of the premier heavyweights in the Marvel Universe. She’s beaten down a lot of the greats. Like Tony Stark (Civil War 2) and she even handed Sentry his lunch with one punch after absorbing the power of a nuclear bomb (Mighty Avengers). Absorbing that much power alone is impressive enough. That’s where the battle is won for Wonder Woman. Diana doesn’t need to absorb energy from a blast to beat Captain Marvel.
Wonder Woman is a much a smarter fighter and strategist. At the end of the day, that’s what’s going to win her the fight. Captain Marvel might have the edge in terms of power. Wonder Woman has the advantage when this comes down to a one on one fight. Captain Marvel’s energy blasts won’t mean anything if they don’t connect. Sorry, Marvel Comics fans. It hurts me to admit this, but Wonder Woman takes this fight.
I know some of you agree for different reasons and some of you complete detest my points. However you feel, let me know in the comments below.