Spider-Man PS4: 10 potential options for DLC suits

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In the series finale of the 1990’s Spider-Man cartoon, there was a universe where Peter Parker bonded with the Carnage Symbiote. This created a more ruthless and murderous Spider-Man. The costume would be great for nostalgia purposes. Also, if we can’t get Venom or Carnage in the game just yet (if you’ve beaten the game, you understand why) we can at least get a combo of the two beings. Maybe his added extra power could be turning his hands into axes or tendrils as melee moves.

Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

Assassin Spider-Man

This is one of my favorite variations of Spider-Man. One that made it a point to get close to his true potential in What IF…Spider-Man vs Wolverine, we see a world where Spider-Man started training and exploring his spider-powers. His Spider-Sense was heightened to the point where he could sense danger a lot longer before it was coming. He could even predict it for other people.

This Spider-Man also shot bullets out of his web-shooter. While bullets may be a bit much to use in this Spider-Man game, maybe he could shoot tranquilizer darts or have his opponents move slower and him at the same speed due to his heightened Spider-Sense.