Spider-Man PS4: 10 potential options for DLC suits

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

Original Iron Spider

Before Tom Holland was given a suit by Tony Stark, Spider-Man was given a costume by Stark in the comic books. Peter Parker was Stark’s employee and assistant. Stark gave Peter an updated version of his costume. He said Peter’s costume was just cloth.

The suit was red and yellow (shocking, I know) and had the extra arms you see in the current Iron-Spider costume from the game. It also had a camouflage mode and web pits that allowed Peter to glide for short distances. As much as I liked the Iron-Spider costume from the movie, the original was better and the spider on the chest was cooler.

Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

Scarlet-Spider Kaine

Spider-Man has had his share of clones and impostors. However, none of them are like Kaine. Kaine has all the skills and power that Peter does, except he is more than willing to kill someone. He also has spikes that come out of his wrists.

Kaine has tried to calm himself and not kill, but he’s definitely still ruthless and dangerous. He’s also extremely vulgar and doesn’t have the sense of humor Peter does. Kaine’s costume is simple, but it’s different from the current costumes. It’s possible his special ability could be him turning into a big spider. I doubt it, but it would be cool.